Thursday, February 14, 2008

Life Is A Song

Music has been such an integral part of human culture for so long that describing why has become largely impossible. Asking why different songs can move us deeply is a bit like questioning why we have two eyes, or the reason for round planets - like trying to pin down the precicse mechanisms that result in love, the answer either varies from person to person or becomes an admission of intrinsicality, viz: It Just Does. Through a combination of music and lyrics (or sometimes just music, or sometimes - if we broaden our definition to encompass poetry and rap - just lyrics), music can perfectly express moods that we otherwise struggle to pin down, to such an extent that in this day and age, we may well refer someone to the iTunes store when asked about our day.

Which makes me wonder: what songs best define your personality?

Obviously, it's not an easy question. People are multifaceted, not to mention ever-changing. What described us perfectly at the age of 15 may no longer apply, while a ditty we adore now might bring shudders in a decade. But here, at least, is my attempt to self-describe through song.

Teenage Years:
Touched - VAST
Bohemian Like You - The Dandy Warhols
Goodbye To You - Michelle Branch

Can't Buy Me Love - The Beatles
Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchell
Loose Lips - Kimya Dawson

Sand In My Shoes - Dido
A Place Called Home - Kim Richey
Love You - The Free Design

Release - George
Stevie - Spiderbait
19-20000 - gorillaz

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